Using ProComp® in Dynamic AFOs
Coyote typically makes our dynamic strut AFOs using Curbell Plastics ProComp®. This material gives us extra dynamic response in the toe while maintaining adjustability.
Exclusive ProComp® Carbon Reinforced Polypropylene.
ProComp® (Carbon Reinforced Polypropylene)
ProComp® is a patented high-pressure laminated prepreg composite that is available in stable sheet form exclusively from Curbell Plastics. The proprietary composite manufacturing process infuses high strength carbon fibers into the structure of the hybrid laminate. The patient is thus protected from dermal contact with the carbon fibers as the surfaces of the laminate are void of carbon fibers. The high-pressure laminated prepreg composite is comprised of layers of a thermoplastic resin and carbon fiber, and is compatible with post-delivery adjustments to the clinical device without a decrease in structural integrity of the composite. The advanced proprietary high-pressure lamination process allows the ultra-light carbon composite to be compatible with standard vacuum drape and bubble forming techniques commonly used for the custom fabrication of lower limb orthoses and prosthetic sockets.

Practitioner information for using ProComp®
Curbell Plastics - ProComp increases strength and rigidity.
HCPCS Code for Addition to lower extremity orthosis, high strength, lightweight material, all hybrid lamination/prepreg composite, per segment, for custom fabricated orthosis only L2755
HCPCS code L2755 for Addition to lower extremity orthosis, high strength, lightweight material, all hybrid lamination/prepreg composite, per segment, for custom fabricated orthosis only as maintained by CMS falls under Other Lower Extremity Additions.
The listing of codes with our products should not be construed as a guarantee for coverage and/or payment.
The ultimate responsibility for the coding of services/products rests with the individual practitioner.