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Pediatric AFO Strut

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A more streamlined AFO that vents well

CD205PS | Small Pediatric AFO Strut

Practitioner Points

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  • Helps with hemiplegia, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida when there is correction needed in the foot

  • Helps with Tri-planar control along with control in the Sagittal and Coronal planes

  • Dynamic Return with Plantar flexion Resist/Dorsiflexion Resist

Technical Points

  • Adds strength, reinforcement and support to Thermoplastic AFOs

  • Concave design for strength and thermoplastic vacuum drawing compatibility

  • All activity levels for children up to 90 lbs.

  • Lighter weight than a solid AFO

  • Simple design


Billing Information: Recommended Codes

L1940: AFO Custom

L2340: Pretibial Shell

L2755: Varus Valgus correction

L2820: Soft interface


L1945: AFO (Floor Reaction)

L2820: Soft interface

L2755: Varus Valgus correction

The listing of codes with our products should not be construed as a guarantee for coverage and/or payment.

The ultimate responsibility for the coding of services/products rests with the individual practitioner.

For more information regarding billing the Air-Lock and our socket pressure study between airtight and traditional pins, please fill out the contact form below or head to our Contact page for more options.

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